Wednesday, December 14, 2011

bila saya busy

Assalamualaikum ...
actually i'm really busy this week ..serius..huhu
with all those assignment .. english drama ..arabic movie...
preparation for volleyball match...
presentation english yang berdouble triple tuh ..
aigoooo ...
sangat banyak kott..

sekarang baru saya tahu apa itu erti busy ..
and apa yang jadi pada saya bila saya terlampau busy ..HAHA
sometimes i felt like want to make the time move faster
since there are many task must be done before next week ..


a week to go : study week ..HOHO
lepas tuh , FINAL EXAM ..watcha !
apa punn tak study lagi nih ..
algebra , ekonomi , english ,arabic ..huwaaaa 
such a busy girl yaa kode this week ..
and next week also ..
but i have to keep faith ..
and go through all that kind of thing patiently and happily ...
takuttt nyaaa nak FINAL !!!
must well prepared since this is your first year kode ..
make them proud ..

leave all kind things that burden your life
and remove all kind of things that make you hurt ..
and things that make your life miserable ..
walaupunn busy ,tapi sempat hupdate belog nih jugak .HAHA
doakan saya diberi kekuatan yaww .insya'Allah ..
" tiada kejayaan tanpa pengorbanan "

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