Wednesday, December 07, 2011

give something to get something better

Assalamualaikum semua . dah lama tak menghadap blog nih .
agak busy *memang truely busy gilerr minggu nih .huhu
but , dalam kesibukan nih ..sempat jugak laa nk hupdate blog nih
sebelum berhabuk ..insya'Allah ^__^

kita selalu dengar perkataan " pengorbanan " nih dekat mana - mana ..
even budak tadika punn tahu cmner nak eja perkataan pengorbanan tuh .
*tapi tak tahu ertinya .aigooo ..
but .something happen in my life ..
not only in my life ..
but it was about other's life also ..
" sometime we have to give something to get something better "
sometimes ..
something that we give is the most precious thing in our life ..
sometimes tears always there ..
be a good friend for those who give something that they love ..
maybe it can be seen 
sometimes not ..

but reality ..
without we realise it ..
there's something behind it .
and that kind of something is a better one .
insya'Allah ..
i feel relieve now ..
and i have feel it ..
the reason why this kind of thing happen to me and to other person also .ahakz !
alhamdulillah ya Allah ..
seeing other person happy . makes me happy too .. ^___^
if this is the best for me 
i accept it sincerely ..
since our journey is a long term that can't be estimated ..
we must go through it ..face it without any regret ..
alhamdulillah ya Allah ..

sabar itu besar hikmahnya .. 
dan berkat kesabaran laah yang membuatkan saya masih di sini
utuh di sini . tegak di sini .
insya'Allah dengan izin-Nya ..
"sacrifice something for a better future "
hopefully ada bahagia menanti ..

p/s : congratulation for your excellent examination result =)

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